The following article appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on 5th August 1933.
District's claim to historic fame
Sir Philip and Lady Game were present at the Arbor Day celebrations at Ryde yesterday afternoon, and planted trees. A guard of honour, consisting of Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and school pupils, was inspected by Sir Phillip Game, and the visitors were received by the Mayor of Ryde, Alderman P. G. Chatfield, who is also president of the Ryde Parents and Citizens' Association, and Mr E. Cameron, the headmaster.
Sir Phillip Game unfurled a flag which was brought from Ryde school in the Isle of Wight by Mr D. M. Anderson, a former president of the Parents and Citizens' Association, 26 years ago.
In welcoming their Excellencies, the Mayor of Ryde referred to the fact that the first Arbor Day in New South Wales was held at Ryde Public School 43 years ago, when trees were planted by Lord and Lady Carrington. The Mayor added that Ryde was one of the oldest of Sydney's suburbs, for, in 1790, 12 families were settled in the district. The first hops in Australia was grown by James Squire, the Rev. Richard Johnson grew the first oranges, and Gregory Blaxland grew the first grapes and made the first Australian wine, all in Ryde district.
Sir Philip Game, in response, said that he would wander around later and try and find the trees planted by Lord and Lady Carrington. "If I cannot find them, I will notĀ ask any awkward questions," he added. "Lady Game and I have planted trees here today, and I will come back in 12 months and see how they are progressing. If they are not doing well, there will be the father and mother of a row." He asked the children to pay attention to all the trees.
His Excellency promised the children a holiday on Friday next, much to the delight of the younger pupils.
Two little girls, Shirley King and Alison Capp, presented Lady Game with a bouquet made of flowers grown in the school garden.
Mr Darvall Hunt, on behalf of his mother and himself, presented the headmaster, Mr E. Cameron, with an enlarged photograph of the first Arbor Day at Ryde school, when Mr G. Hunt was headmaster. The picture was reproduced from a photograph which appeared in the "Sydney Mail" in 1890.
(This article was retrieved fromĀ Trove)