Our library is the information hub of the school where students can access a range of resources to assist with their learning. The library has an extensive range of books for general reading and these are regularly updated so the collection remains current. Students from a non-English speaking background can access our growing range of bilingual books.
Opening times
All classes have time during the week to visit the library.
Using Oliver
All students now have access to our school's library system 'Oliver'. You can access Oliver via the Department of Education student portal-if you do not know your log in details please contact your classroom teacher. Students can use Oliver in a number of ways:
search for a resource in the Ryde PS library and other listed libraries
reserve a book (older students)
look at their current loans and their loan history
check to see if a book is overdue
find out if a book belongs in the Premier's Reading Challenge list
write book reviews and give books a rating out of 5, and find links other interesting sites
A link to the Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) website can be found in the student portal under the 'Learning' section. Students are also able to add a link to the PRC in the My Link List section to make the PRC easier to find. Public school students can also log in directly to the PRC website using their Department of Education (DoE) username and password. These are the same details a student would use to access the student portal and the computer network at school. If you are unaware of your username and/or password, please contact your class teacher and ask for your student portal username and password.
Dewey decimal classification system
The Dewey Decimal Classification system is a method used by libraries all over the world to organise ttheir non-fiction books. Download and view following PowerPoint presentation to find out more: The Dewey decimal classification system (PPT 7.65MB)
"... libraries are about freedom. Freedom to read, freedom of ideas, freedom of communication. They are about education (which is not a process that finishes the day we leave school or university), about entertainment, about making safe spaces, and about access to information."- Neil Gaiman
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